Monday, July 09, 2007

Busy Busy

June was a great month for Tad and I. We would get up between 7 or 8am and read our bibles and go to the gym and come home and spend our afternoons in a variety of ways. We may have sat outside and read a good book, or go into Springfield and run a few errands, or even clean the house. Yes having time to clean the house seems like the "good ole days"

But times have changed. July has come upon us. This means that I've started my summer school program called credit recovery. Students who have failed a class can retake in online. I have to be there to help them with their math questions and grade a few tests. It's actually a pretty sweet job but it throughs off our whole lazy summertime schedule. I know I shouldn't be complaining but I am. It's hard to get up in the morning and get home by one o'clock, starving by the way, to turn around and go to Lincoln to work out then get home only to help your mother with garage sale stuff or help with bible school. It's very exhausting to get up at 6am and not be home again until 9pm.

But it will all be good and it's kinda nice to have things to do for a change. And I'm really looking forward to this road trip that Tad and I have planned to the Grand Canyon. It's less than 2 weeks away! If you have any suggestions on camping in Colorado and avoiding getting eaten by bears feel free to let me know.


Blogger Matt W said...

Hey Tad and Hannah! Heather and I will be in Colorado on August 8th. I guess you should just wait there for us to arrive, right?

3:29 AM  

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