Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Almost to the Halfway Mark

I have now been student teaching for a little more than a month and have about a month and a half left. I've gotten into the groove of this teaching thing. I feel comfortable up in front of the students (most of the time) and don't have to do quite as extensive lesson plans to feel prepared. I'm getting to know the kids and I think they might actually like me (this is important due to the fact that I am a people pleaser and just want everyone to like me). I'm getting used to the fact that one of my teachers is the football coach and is very busy with other things. I actually enjoy it and am wondering how things will change when football is over (hopefully they keep win in the post season).

I was also encouraged when I had to go back for a seminar and hear all the stories from other student teachers. I guess that I'm living in the lap of luxury at Williamsville. I should have known though when K.J. was excited about me going there. It's great I've got no complaints.

So student teaching is one of two big things going on for me right now. The other is my wedding so I'll give you and update on that. I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT!!!! I'm getting more and more excited everyday and less and less patient. I'm just tired of driving to his house and then driving back or kicking him out of my house. I want to come home to him and not have to leave again until I go back to work. That's the one thing right now that I'm looking forward to the most about being married.

Planning is going alright. (any suggestions on sanctuary decorations are greatly appreciated) We registered for stuff on Saturday. It was fun and exciting. My mom tells me that we didn't register for much though but I don't want to be greedy and put down for stuff that we don't really need. And I'm afraid that if we put down for something that is not quite as important as something else but get the not important thing and not the other one then we'll be out what we really need. Does that make any sense? Probably not. I just don't know what to do. And the thing is that we registered for a couple high priced items (set of pans) that one person is not going to be able to buy but will have to be a group of people or with multiple gift cards. Anyway I'm just trying to sort out my feelings on registering and maybe I'll add some more stuff to it.

We are registered at Target and Bed, Bath, and Beyond and would greatly appreciate gift cards to either of those places to go towards the more pricey items. That's all that I'm going to say about that and don't think that because you are reading this that I expect you to get us a gift because you don't have to get us anything just pray for us!

That's all. Nothing extraordinary. Just a feeling of excitement for the future!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Jonathan is amazing (he doesn't want me to make this the title but of course it's true)

I feel the need to blog but don't feel like there is anything to say yet at the same time don't know where to start. Let's start with the most recent. Today it took all of my energy to go to the school. I had no desire to go at all. The three day weekend didn't help but then my mind traveled to "do you really want to do this for the rest of your life?" The answer is of course no but for now I have to because I don't really know what else there is. But of course when I got there everything was fine and the day went fast and now I'm home not working on stuff and waiting for my mom to cook dinner and waiting for Tad to come over. It's really not all that different than being at school except that my mom is cooking and occasionally does my laundry!

Now let's move to yesterday. I went shopping with my mom because there was no school. YAY for Columbus Day! We picked up random things for the wedding and that is all that I will say about that part of the day. Then I met Tad in Lincoln and had dinner with his fellow TA's and their wives. It was a good time and I hope that I get to hang out with these people more and build up some new community. It hit me again though how real this getting married thing is...I was hanging out with all married couples. It's a weird thing for me, not bad just weird: something that I'll have to get used to.

And then I got to the car I had a message from my friend Erin. I reminder to not forget the community that I still have at UIS. I also had a great conversation with Heather Friday night which was a great refresher. The only thing now is that I'm back in the flow of things. Doing the same thing everyday can contribute to feeling like you are in a rut. But as I'm learning (thanks to Beth Moore and the bible) with the Spirit no day has to be ordinary!

So I'm living everyday with the help of the Spirit. And it promises to be an amazing ride. I'll keep you updated :)