Sunday, August 20, 2006


Despite my ambitions of blogging more this summer it hasn't really happened too much. I noticed how my last title was "one month left of summer" and thought how this one should be titled "12 hours left of summer" That's right I go back to school tomorrow.

For about a month now I've been trying to get myself a new attitude about going back to work and there is a part of me that's way better about it. But there is also the other part of me that's going to miss getting out of bed whenever I want and going on walks in the morning with Tad and sitting around reading all day and having time to clean the house and just being able to do whatever I want whenever I want. Sounds kinda selfish I guess.

So I make myself remember the good things about school. There are kids that I did help and get to know and maybe even liked. I do enjoy being organized and planning. I'm very blessed to work with the people that I work with. And I get to see God use me everyday in alot of different ways.

So I guess that I really am excited about going back even though I tend to listen to Satan when he says I'm not. And I've decided that I can just pack up the things I love about summer and put them away until it's time to pull them out again. In the meantime I'm going to pull the box off the shelf titled "Teaching" and enjoy all the good stuff that it contains, all the while letting God continue to teach me and use me.