Monday, December 12, 2005

3 weeks

Just in case you didn't know...I'm getting married in less than 3 weeks. I wanted this semester to go by quickly and it has but this wedding thing has crept up on me and I don't feel ready at all. But I have a feeling that I would never feel ready. Yet I'm very excited.

Friday after I updated my blog I got two job offers. One in Decatur (who went back to school today) and the other in Edinburg. The Edinburg job doesn't start until the fall but it's still a job. For awhile there I was worried about not getting a "real job" for January but God has provided me with many opportunities. I'm waiting to hear back from the job I really want at Argenta-Oreana. The board meeting is tonight so I should hear soon!

Three weeks til the wedding and just one week until student teaching is over. YAY! My work load has started to settle down which is nice. Thus the posting on the blog during my prep period. (Melissa, I'm going to start working on writing for the scrapbook now too so hopefully I'll be done by the end of the week!)

One last thing...I'm trying an experiment. It's called love. It hit me the other night that I need to love on my mom more. Lately it's been hard to live at home but I know that if I show her love that things will be better. It's hard to do and I'll only be able to do it with God's love because these next three weeks are gonna be tough. Anyway I'm just putting that out there so I'll actually do it. Say a prayer for me in this and in the job search, and in the living arrangements (we might get to stay at the parsonage)

I love you all!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Snow Day

Mt. Pulaski Schools are closed today but Williamsville is not! What's up with that? But it's ok because I called them and told them I wasn't coming anyway. Ok I'll admitt it I skipped school today and I'm the teacher. But they don't really need me. It's not like I'm getting paid or anything and I'm not teaching that much anymore anyways. Just making rationalizations here. The big one is that my daddy told me it was probably wise to not drive over there this morning. I love my dad!

A little update on me since I seem to not post too often anymore. Student teaching is almost done. One week left. It's very exciting and I'm ready for a break. But as things come to a close I've been thinking back and realize how much I've grown. I have gained so much confidence through all of this. Just about everyday on my drive to school I pray that I can be who God created me to be today. It's so hard for me sometimes to be all that I can be. I get overwhelmed by irrational fears and just want to curl up under a blanket and take a nap and escape all the growing up things that I have to do.

But I've pushed through and done alot of grown up things this semester. I've been a teacher. I've made telephone calls. I've had job interviews. It's only been possible by God's strength. I really really want to be the woman that he created me to be. I want to be a good teacher, friend, wife, sister, daughter. It's so hard sometimes but I feel like God has brought me a long way this semester to bring me out of my comfort zone so that I could be myself.

I realized last night though that I've needed more community this semester. It's so different living at home and going to church with everyone Sunday, having a leaders meeting Monday, meeting with Erin Tuesday, having a small group Wednesday, going to the Edge Friday and just living and eating with everyone that I'm close to. Please pray that I God will place me in the community that I need next semester.

Also pray for me as I have a couple job opportunities for January and am waiting to hear back from them. I really want to teach at Argenta-Oreana (if anyone knows where that is: a little north of Decatur) Also pray for Tad and I in wedding planning and housing decisions. We were all set to live on campus but found out a couple days ago that the parsonage might be available still. We're not sure but are searching for wisdom in deciding if we would want to stay there if we could. Prayer Prayer Prayer It's an amazing thing and you can never have too much of it.

Ok that's all I've got for now but stay tuned because my life it about to change in big ways very quickly. Excitement/Fear right here!