Monday, April 09, 2007

An Update

So I haven't posted in a very long time but life just gets in the way. Tonight I'm hanging out with Tad at the library in Lincoln as he works on some homework stuff.

There isn't any big news to update on my life. I do the same things week after week which I'm finding can be good and bad at times. I'm continually trying to see God in everything I do and constantly fighting the distractions that are life and school and TV. It's amazing how I can come home and night and be content to watch TV and do nothing else and yet continue to "complain" that I don't have any friends. So if you think that I've forgotten about you, I haven't. I think about you all quite often and even think about calling but as soon as Heros or American Idol or Gilmore Girls or Lost or The Office come on I'm toast.

School is continually going well. I've got a tentative class schedule for next year and I'm very excited about the classes I'll be teaching. I would explain the reasons but they are very math related and not everyone reading this would be as fascinated/excited as I am so I'll leave it off. But if you think you want to know just ask and I'll tell you all about it!

The most exciting and somewhat stressful thing right now in our lives is that we are going back to Russia this summer. The plans are becoming more and more finalized which relieves some of the stress and worry and the support letters got mailed today which also helps. We'll be going for about a month at the end of June through the end of July. We'll be going back to Yaroslav'l with Phil to meet up with Misty and head to Sharia again. We won't be doing a VBS this time but just meeting with the priests and people there. Then we'll go to Krosnadar where there is a leadership training place that Tad is really excited about. It's in southern Russia and is a launching point for many ministering to the Muslim regions around the area.

Please Pray for us in this endevour. We need it. We'll be leaving in a little over two months and are just now starting to raise support. (which by the way we need $8500 for the two of us) Also pray that all the final plans will come into place easily and that my name change on my passport gets processed quickly.

Again on any of this Russia stuff or the math stuff or anything feel free to ask me/us more about it. I really do like talking to people despite my TV addiction!