Friday, August 26, 2005

wedding cake confusion

I know that I said I wouldn't post for awhile but I'm at the front desk with nothing to do except try to plan my wedding. It's coming along great but the wedding cake part is driving me nuts. So I'm throwing this out there for any suggestions at all.

What kind of wedding cake doI have?

What design? What flavor? What filling? What shape? ahhh. It's all just too many decisions. Help me!

Thank you.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

taking a break

I hate to disappoint my "many" readers but I do feel like I need to tell you that I probably will not be updating my blog very much.

It was great during the summer when I didn't have anything to do but now I feel like I'm getting sucked into the blog world and don't necessarily have the time to. I feel this pressure to update my blog. It feels like it's just one more thing on my list to do and I don't want it to be that way.

I also feel like it will become a substitute for actually talking to my friends. It's a great way to stay connected with each other especially when I've got friends living all over the place but I don't want to substitute blogging for calling my friends on the phone or going to visit them.

Anyway I just wanted to let you know that this blog is going on the bottom of my priority list so please understand when posts are few and far between.

I still love you all and if you would like to know what's going on in my life and what my thoughts are feel free to call me or invite me over for dinner and I would love to fill you in. :)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Today throws a wedding

I just got done with the first class of my final class ever and decided to stop by the library and check my email and such. Can I just say that this internet is way faster than at home? (Not that I'm complaining of anything.)

Anyway I just thought I would do a quick post with just a couple points.

A) Student teaching is a little scary at this point. Maybe it's because I just got pretty much all the information and just like the beginning of any class you can feel overwhelmed by the things that you have to do for the entire semester. But as with all things if I just take it a day at a time I'll be okay.

B) On my drive over to class today I thought of the most amazing way that I'm going to plan my wedding. It's going to be just like "Today throws a wedding" where the viewers of the Today Show vote on everything of a couple's wedding. Wouldn't it be great if I could do that on my blog. Once a week I could post a question with a few options and everyone can vote on it. Then I'll just make decisions on the majority vote. Sounds like a great plan to me!

Friday, August 19, 2005

no more curfew

I was thinking last night as I was driving home from Tad's at 10:45pm that I used to have to have a curfew. My parents said that I had to be home by midnight and if they hadn't I definitely would have stayed out later. Now I'm back at home and don't have any sort of curfew yet make it home before I ever would have before.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm getting old. I no longer can or have the desire to stay up late. At least it doesn't bother me because I always have liked my sleep. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit

Since I've been home whenever I get online I check email then read blogs and then rarely have time to update mine. All that's changing today. I'm doing mine first because of course it's all about me! Just kidding.

I've had lots of thoughts of different things to put on here but I think I've decided to start with the more serious and maybe move to the very not serious stuff later.

For the past few days I've been reading in the book of Ruth. The thing that amazes me is Ruth's attitude. Her husband has died and she follows her mother-in-law to a land that she is not familiar with. You read it and might just skim over but it's definitely something that I would never want to have to do.

But through it all her attitude is very humbling to me. She serves Naomi by going out in the fields and working, and if you look it's actually Ruth's suggestion that she go work. And people notice. Boaz blesses her and helps make her time in the field easier because he has noticed what she's done. Her attitude reminds me of a verse in 1 Peter.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair of the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead it should be that of your inner self. The unfading beauty of a gently and quiet spirit is of great worth in God's eyes.
~1 Peter 3:3-4

That's what I want again: a gentle and quiet spirit. Lately I've let other things come into me that have made my spirit not quiet but I'm feeling some rest coming. I've taken a cue from Ruth and am trying to just serve those around me. I always find that whenever you take the focus off of yourself that great things happen and this is definitely one of those times.
I continue to pray for a gently and quiet spirit.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Caution: very random thoughts, read at your risk

I've been told that I need to update my blog and I've wanted to for awhile now but just don't know what to write. I also make excuses like "it's harder now that I'm at home with only dial up" or "it's hard to concentrate with my mom sitting next to me telling me about her new dishes."

But then I was thinking that this just a smaller part of how my life feels right now. I want to have these life changing God moments but I don't feel it and I don't know exactly how I do feel but I make up excuses like "there are too many things distracting me: home, student teaching, getting married..."

And in all of this I just try to figure out how I can make it better. Should I spend more time in the word? Should I have more community? But it's not about me doing anything. I just need right now for God to come and still my soul.

I feel like it's just getting full of stuff. Things that are useless but need to get done but that I'm focusing on instead of what I need to be. But what do I need to be focusing on? I guess the answer to that is God but how do I do that. I don't think that I can. I know that I can't because I've been trying. *sigh*

These are the things that have been going on in my head and heart the past week or so and might not make sense to anyone. I don't think it even makes sense to me. But it putting this stuff in print I know more and more that I just need to be still and know that He is God.

If only it weren't easier said than done.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Wedding Story

This post is just a little news for all of you out there that I might not talk to on a regular basis but who I still love.

It's official. I'm getting married. There is the most beautiful ring on my finger right now.

It doesn't quite feel real yet since Tad and I have been talking about it for quite awhile now and planning really hasn't begun yet. We should probably start on that.

I would like to share all of my thoughts on this subject but right now I don't have time and I'm not exactly sure what they all are. If you keep reading over the next 5 months though I'm sure you'll get a taste.

In the meantime if you have any suggestions for me/us or quality advice let me know. We're gonna need all the help we can get!


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Home Sweet Home

Well it's happened. I'm officially living at home again. The last time that I spent more than two weeks in a row at home was the summer after my freshman year. So about 3 years ago.

It hasn't really hit me that I'm living here for good. All summer I was focused on going to Russia and didn't even think about this and now that I'm here it doesn't seem real. I feel like tomorrow I'm going to get to go back to Springfield to live again. But I'm not.

I miss the workout room. I miss knowing that people are close even if I'm not with them all the time. I miss the quiet and the alone time I could have whenever I wanted. I miss only having to do my dishes (if I felt like it).

There are great things about being here though. I don't have to pay or set up a time to do laundry (even though I love going to the Magruder's to do it). My mom cooks for me most nights. There is usually always someone to hang out with. My bed is way more comfy than the dorm bed.

I'm excited though because God is already teaching me lessons and revealing himself to me here. It's gonna be a great experience that will prepare me for another great experience and so on. But God has put me here today and today I'm going to be the best daughter, sister, and friend that I can be.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Transition Team

That's what my dad and I called ourselves on our little trip to Florida. Our job was to make Tad's transition from Russia back the the US an easy one.

It was a great trip with my dad! We talked about so much stuff. Serious stuff and stupid stuff, the past and the future. It was really great to get to spend that time with my daddy. (I'm a daddy's girl!)

It's also great to have Tad back but I'll admit that there was a part of me that didn't want him to come back. Let me explain...I knew that as soon as he got back I would have to move home and then start student teaching and just preparing to become a "real" person.

I am definitely in a huge transition time of my life right now. I'm still a college student but not really. This semester is going to bring so many changes that I know I'm ready for but they are still scary because I've never really been a "real" person.

Then I think of how great college is/was and don't want to leave. I'm a little sad that I won't really get to know the freshmen that are coming in this year. But all good things must come to an end. It's not really the end of anything though, it's the beginning of something wonderful.

I'm learning that everyday is the beginning of the rest of my life. Some days may be harder or scarier than others but I know that with God's help I can get through each day. I am going to have a great life!