Friday, April 08, 2011


If anyone still looks at this blog I've moved. I'll be sharing my favorite things that I come across in my life. From baby stuff to books to movies and everything in between. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Master Blacketer

That's right, you read the title correctly I am now a master. Ok not really but Tad is. Last Friday he finally finished his masters degree in history from UIS! I'm very happy and proud of him even though the whole event was very anticlimactic.

It happened so fast with no time to get excited about the fact that the end was near. And it seems weird to so it happened so fast because it really took six years after he finished class work. After submitting some things many months ago, last week out of the blue he got an email that set a date for his defense on last Friday.

So he went and the committee signed some papers and now he's official. This is just the first of many. I need to start saving room on the wall for all the diplomas he'd gonna get.

Congratulations Tad!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Busy Busy

June was a great month for Tad and I. We would get up between 7 or 8am and read our bibles and go to the gym and come home and spend our afternoons in a variety of ways. We may have sat outside and read a good book, or go into Springfield and run a few errands, or even clean the house. Yes having time to clean the house seems like the "good ole days"

But times have changed. July has come upon us. This means that I've started my summer school program called credit recovery. Students who have failed a class can retake in online. I have to be there to help them with their math questions and grade a few tests. It's actually a pretty sweet job but it throughs off our whole lazy summertime schedule. I know I shouldn't be complaining but I am. It's hard to get up in the morning and get home by one o'clock, starving by the way, to turn around and go to Lincoln to work out then get home only to help your mother with garage sale stuff or help with bible school. It's very exhausting to get up at 6am and not be home again until 9pm.

But it will all be good and it's kinda nice to have things to do for a change. And I'm really looking forward to this road trip that Tad and I have planned to the Grand Canyon. It's less than 2 weeks away! If you have any suggestions on camping in Colorado and avoiding getting eaten by bears feel free to let me know.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Trapped in the Seminary building

So I am here at the seminary in Lincoln waiting for Tad as he takes a test for his summer video course. I've already looked up how to keep rabitts from eating our garden and travel times for different destinations on our possible road trip to the grand canyon and then was reminded of the blog world. I noticed on Gretchen's blog that I'm still in her list of blogs she reads even though I haven't posted anything since April and before that it was December. Without having the internet at home and a filtering system at work that blocks anything that may possibly have a discussion board blogging has taken a back seat in my life. Which is probably a good thing. But it makes me excited to remember it.

It gives me hope of something to do after Tad and I come to Lincoln to work out then go and "check our email" which in Tad's case means looking at different PhD programs for hours. Ok maybe not hours but if feels that way some times.

So now when he's doing whatever it is he does I can tell you about what is going on in my life. Or the lack of what it going on. A quick overview of my life. I am officially 2 weeks into summer break and I'm loving it. It's seemed busy though. In case you haven't heard we aren't going to Russia but might road trip out the the grand canyon. Tad is taking a summer video course, and I'm going to be helping with "summer schoool" the first three weeks of July. We've got plenty of weddings planned including one in Minnesota along with many lazy days working on the tan/summer reading list.

Hopefully many more posts to come...

Monday, April 09, 2007

An Update

So I haven't posted in a very long time but life just gets in the way. Tonight I'm hanging out with Tad at the library in Lincoln as he works on some homework stuff.

There isn't any big news to update on my life. I do the same things week after week which I'm finding can be good and bad at times. I'm continually trying to see God in everything I do and constantly fighting the distractions that are life and school and TV. It's amazing how I can come home and night and be content to watch TV and do nothing else and yet continue to "complain" that I don't have any friends. So if you think that I've forgotten about you, I haven't. I think about you all quite often and even think about calling but as soon as Heros or American Idol or Gilmore Girls or Lost or The Office come on I'm toast.

School is continually going well. I've got a tentative class schedule for next year and I'm very excited about the classes I'll be teaching. I would explain the reasons but they are very math related and not everyone reading this would be as fascinated/excited as I am so I'll leave it off. But if you think you want to know just ask and I'll tell you all about it!

The most exciting and somewhat stressful thing right now in our lives is that we are going back to Russia this summer. The plans are becoming more and more finalized which relieves some of the stress and worry and the support letters got mailed today which also helps. We'll be going for about a month at the end of June through the end of July. We'll be going back to Yaroslav'l with Phil to meet up with Misty and head to Sharia again. We won't be doing a VBS this time but just meeting with the priests and people there. Then we'll go to Krosnadar where there is a leadership training place that Tad is really excited about. It's in southern Russia and is a launching point for many ministering to the Muslim regions around the area.

Please Pray for us in this endevour. We need it. We'll be leaving in a little over two months and are just now starting to raise support. (which by the way we need $8500 for the two of us) Also pray that all the final plans will come into place easily and that my name change on my passport gets processed quickly.

Again on any of this Russia stuff or the math stuff or anything feel free to ask me/us more about it. I really do like talking to people despite my TV addiction!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

One Year

It's our anniversary. Not some day that marks the fact that we've been dating for four months but it's a celebration of the fact that we've been MARRIED for a year with many more to come.

And it's definately been a very happy year. Please refer to by previous post about how much I love him. It seems like it hasn't been this long at all yet at the same time it seems like we've been together forever.

I'm off to celebrate. Nothing extra special, just a day with Tad like all the others that I fall in love with him all over again!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Memories of Mexico

As promised I’m finally writing about the ice storm. I can’t believe that it’s already been a month. Many of the things reminded me of my previous trips to Mexico. They are as follows…

Waking up in the morning cold (Saturday morning we woke up and it was 45 degrees in the house)

Washing my face in cold water

Brushing my teeth with water out of a cup (since we have a well without electricity there is no way to get the water to the house so we had to do everything with bottled water)

Not being able to flush the toilet (again no water)

Not showering (you guessed it, no water)

Running a generator (in Mexico it was to run the concrete mixer, in Lake Fork it was to run our two space heaters)

That’s about it. I hope everyone on their way to Mexico now can enjoy the same experiences, just not in their own home. We're praying for you.